I smile at you and get nothing in return
You roll you eyes and you nose takes an upward turn
I look at myself...and say" Hum.....I know im fine"
I work real hard, I provide for myself and my kids, I know I gets mine
What can be her problem, I ponder in my head
So I speak to her instead and get no response again!
Dumbfounded, I tuck my pride aside
Watches her I as she gently take her strides
To the door...Through the door...... and out to the sidewalk
Another brother in a suit stops her and they begin to talk
What does he has on me to myself I ask
Maybe I tried to move in to fast
I'm a man..never can be the judge of another man but....
He aint got shyt on me......I know she aint blind, I know she see
That dude look like humpty dumpty far from height
And to compare his looks to mine......he makes me as JJ would say "Dynamite!!!!"
As they exchange cards, I let out a hardy laugh
Grabbed my stuff prepare myself to dash........then it hits me
It wasn't my looks that left her in discorn
It was this Damn Uniform..............
Friday, October 12, 2007
Chronicles of a Blue Collar Black Man......
Posted by
3:47 PM
Labels: Trapped in the Mind.............
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Message From The Man.............
"I think I will like to be entertained, Bring me my entertainment."
I want to thank all my professional actors, athletes, musicians and entertainers. Thank you much. It is because of you that I am able to live in this worry free manner. For the pittance you receive as compensation, I get back ten fold. Thanks for turning around and buying all the bling, champagne, spinning rims and diamonds, so in turn, we receive much of your pittance back in return. Keep up the good work. Special thanks goes out to the rappers. Keep on bragging about the bling. We both get what we want. You get the diamonds and spinning rims, I get paid twice. Once from the contract and secondly from your foolish purchases. You dont see any spinning rims on my truck do you? I also have the privilege of witnessing you mass market destruction in your Black communities. Thank you "homies"! Let the kids know that they aint nothing without a gun. Keep up the good work.
Posted by
3:30 PM
White Women's Opinion of Black Women
It seems that an article was written to Sister 2 Sister magazine by a Caucasian woman who requested a response from black men. I'm so glad she got what she asked for (and more)!!!Dear
I'm sorry but I would like to challenge some of your Black male readers.I am a White female who is engaged to a Black male-good-looking, educated and loving. I just don't understand a lot of Black female's attitudes about our relationship.My man decided he wanted me because the pickings amongst Black women are slim to none. As he said they were too fat, too loud, too mean, too argumentative, too needy, too materialistic or carrying too much excess baggage.Before I became engaged, whenever I went out I was constantly approached by Black men, willing to wine and dine me and give me the world. If Black women are so up in arms about us being with their men, why don't they look at themselves and make some changes.I am tired of the dirty looks I get and snide remarks when we're out in public. I would like to hear from some Black men about why we are so appealing and coveted by them.Bryant Gumbel just left his wife of 26 years for one of us Charles Barkley, Scottie Pippen, the model Tyson Beckford, Montell Williams, Quincy Jones, James Earl Jones, Harry Belafonte, Sydney Poitier, KofiAnan, Cuba Gooding Jr., Don Cornelius , Berry Gordy, Billy Blanks, Larry Fishburne, Wesley Snipes...I could go on and on. But, right now, I'm a little angry and that is why I wrote this so hurriedly. Don't be mad with us White women because so many of your men want us. Get your acts together and learn from us and we may lead you to treat your men better. If I'm wrong, Black men, let me know.
Disgusted White Girl, Somewhere in VA
Get the male response over here:http://boards.sonypictures.com/boards/showthread.php?t=28716
Posted by
2:21 PM
Poetry.............Slavery was a hard time, not a happy time
by Lerone Bennett
The slave trade was people living, lying, stealing, murdering and dying.
The slave trade was a Black man who stepped out of his hut for a breath of fresh air and ended up, ten months later, in Georgia with bruises on his back and a brand on his chest.
The slave trade was a Black mother suffocating her newborn baby because she didn't want him to grow up a slave.
The slave trade was a kind captain forcing his suicide-minded passengers to eat by breaking their teeth.
The slave trade was a bishop sitting on an ivory chair on a wharf in the Congo and extending his fat hand in wholesale baptism of slaves who were rowed beneath him, going in chains to the slave ships.
The slave trade was a greedy king raiding his own villages to get slaves to buy brandy.
The slave trade was a pious captain holding prayer services twice a day on his slave ship and writing later the famous hymn, 'How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds.'
The slave trade was deserted villages, bleached bones on slave trails and people with no last names.
The slave trade was Caesar Negro, Angelo Negro and Negro Mary.
Posted by
12:46 PM
Labels: Poetry for the Mind........
Who Will I Choose.............
Posted by
12:38 PM
Labels: Politics as Usual
Message From The Man:
I want to thank Hollywood for his depiction of the black man. Now that our plan has worked, we have more ideas in the making to make our mission complete. Our Mission: Eradication of the black man. We are already locking them up in record numbers. We also have them believing that there only way out of their predicament is to sell drugs or become a rapper. We also by use of movies and plays, have there treasured black women turning their nose up to them. We have their women at odds with them, which creates more single family homes and unstable families. I want to thank all involved in our mission. Keep up the good work.
Posted by
11:57 AM
From Blackprof.com
I love Oprah. She's a historic figure in Black America. Not only for her pioneering role both in front of and behind the camera, but more importantly for her legendary efforts to uplift some of the most dispossessed people of the world. I'm especially proud of her work to expose and undermine the patriarchy that too often confines the potential of women and warps the self-image of men.
But advocacy for women doesn't require denigration of men. If all I knew about Black women came from the Oprah Show, I'd believe they were strong, intelligent, beautiful, sensitive, caring, compassionate, spiritual, and selfless. In short, I'd know truths about Black women that are infrequently told by mass media. Yet if all I knew about Black men came from the Oprah show, I'd suspect they were lazy, womanizing, criminal-minded, predatory, and irresponsible. In short, I'd know stereotypes about Black men that are routinely signaled by mass media.Brothers, of course, have problems, and those problems should be discussed and challenged. But the world already knows that. The world doesn't know about the good, decent, hard-working Black men of character who struggle every day to do right by themselves and their families. Let's hope that Oprah can be a more meaningful part of balancing the depiction of Black men.
Posted by
11:42 AM
Labels: Porch Monkeys
Posted by
10:59 AM
Labels: Poetry for the Mind........
Who Kids Are These?
You pride yourself as a parent. Getting up early in the morning to get to work, then heading straight to class right after that. You are supposed to be bettering yourselves, but while you are focused and disciplined at the task at hand, you are failing in others. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand where I'm going. That's right, I'm talking about our kids. Today's parents are so focused on their careers, that they fail in the category that means the most, raising our kids. Providing your kids with a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food in their belly no longer cuts it in this cut-throat world. Today's kids need structure, discipline, respect for others, and to be taught manners in order to navigate this wicked world filled to the brim with age old traps set to curtail their futures. Self respect is also needed. To walk around with your pants to your knees, with your butt showing is not respect for ones self. It is down right ignorant. When I was young, I also sagged my pants. This was out of necessity, being that my straight leg jeans that I got from my cousin no longer fit. That’s not the case with these kids. We as parents, work hard to provide for our kids. Being that we are buying the clothes our kids are wearing, we can at least tell them to pull up their pants. "Put a DAMN belt on!" is how I would put it. So parents, in between all the daily tasks at hand, take a look at your child. If he looks like he is representing you, and you have no problem with him dressing like the pic above, then you are the problem. If it downright offends you to see your kids dressing like that, do something about it. Tell them what it means to have self respect. That even though it is the style, you look like a damn bum. You would be doing the universe a favor. No one wants to see their scrawny butts anyways. Ooops! Maybe gay men, but that's a whole other subject.
Posted by
10:48 AM
Labels: Help The Children
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Genocide..........This Goes Out To All My Baby Mamas............
Baby Mamas know the deal!
They know it so much that the have a book out detailing the ins-and -outs of getting black men money. The title..........drum roll
Check it out here:http://blackvoices.aol.com/blogs/2007/06/08/girl-get-that-child-support/
While I know the welfare of the child is the deal, but staying at home, collecting government benefits and child support truly doesn't make you woman. It make you a "BABY MAMA".
Posted by
4:58 PM
Man Law......................
Posted by
4:55 PM
Labels: What's Going On
Taken from Wake Up Black America
The Jena 6 Part 2 "A great distraction from the real issues".
9-26-2007There is a sad and disturbing lesson coming out of this “Jena 6” soap opera, that only a few people actually see what’s going on. Those who picked up on this who happen to be black will be dismissed as nothing more then “sellouts”, “Uncle Toms” or “Aunt Jemimas”. Those who picked up on this who are white will of course be labelled immediately as a “racist”. The story or lesson at play here is how most blacks in America deal with “internal” problems and “external” distractions. The whole “Jena 6” episode is an external distraction that is merely taking attention away from the real issues that are facing blacks in America. Blacks for the most part will never grasp that. Their mindset has been branded with the mark that their most pressing problems facing them in America is that of other races more so then themselves. That way of thinking is totally naive. Blacks say the Jena 6 were “victims”. Actually I agree in a different way. The Jena 6 were victims. They were victims “of their own actions first and foremost”. Why did an event such as this become the rallying cry or mating call to black race racketeers, crybabies, hustlers and panderers? This is what puzzles me the most. Blacks from across the country descended on to Jena Louisiana to protest what they deemed the unfair charging of six black youths that beat up one white youth. While this was going on, blacks were wearing black t-shirt and anything with black in it to show support of the “Jena 6”. Ok this is what I can’t figure out. Why can’t blacks show this type of support in fighting black on black crime and murder in their own communities? Who are the ones killing most black people in America in 2007? Is it the Klu Klux Klan? The Aryan Brotherhood? Neo Nazi Skinheads, Racist Polices forces? The answer is, are you ready for this? NONE OF THE ABOVE!! The Jena six are alive and well. Here in Baltimore for example two hundred and thirteen blacks can’t say the same thing. That’s because they are dead, and they weren’t killed by the entities I just mentioned. Other blacks killed them. In Baltimore over the last 15 years blacks have killed over 5400 blacks just here in Baltimore alone, and Baltimore isn’t an exception. Black murder rates are set to hit record levels this year. Cities leading in the blood shed are Richmond, Jersey City, Detroit, Richmond, New Orleans” post Katrina”, Chicago, Philadelphia, Memphis, Washington DC and Gary Indiana. Where are Sharpton and Al on all of this? I think Sharpton has more pressing issue to deal with I suppose. I guess trying to ban the “N” word is a higher priority. This is the real issue not the Jena 6. Of course what I say will be dismissed by those who would rather sweep all of what I say under the rug and forget about it. If a white neo-nazi took a sub machine gun and killed fifty blacks in a crowded urban area, blacks around the nation would be outraged and rightfully so. Yet when other blacks kill three hundred blacks, they don’t seem to care. If blacks only speak out against crimes against other blacks when the perpetrators are white, is this basically an acknowledgement saying that it’s ok for the crimes to happen as long as the perpetrators are black? Case in point, Lets say that the victim of the Jena Six wasn’t white but black. The scenario would now be six blacks beating up another black student. Now lets say that the six black attackers are charged pretty severely. Does anyone truly believe that this would now be a story? Would Jesse and Al and the rest of the faithful flock even care? Would this even make the CBS Nightly News, CNN, MSNBC etc? The answer of course is not! This isn’t so much about being concerned about what happens to blacks in America. It’s becoming crystal clear. The title of the new story should read“As long as whites aren’t the ones doing the murdering, assaulting, raping, poisoning the black community, etc we really don’t care one way or the other what happens”.
Posted by
4:06 PM
Labels: What's Going On
Monday, October 8, 2007
The Word Of The Day Is...................

Posted by
1:01 PM
Labels: What's Going On
Poetry .......DICKMATIZED!!!!
From the Quitestorm
This woman is deep! Check her out............
Posted by
12:45 PM
Labels: Poetry for the Mind........
Who Is Sara Baartman? Every black woman should know her name.....
Posted by
12:38 PM
Labels: Education..........We Need It
Crooked Officer.................
I was mad as hell. I just got my a$$ out of bed at 7:00 am to play a game at 9:00am. I was a bit sluggish from the night before, but I really wanted to play today. The game was at Largo High School. When we go there, we were informed that the schedule of games was running late. This meant that we had some time to get something to eat. "We were off", straight to Mickey D's, two friends, my buddies’ girlfriend, and myself. heading down the street, we noticed that we were being followed by PG County Police. My first response was why? Then we got the "siren" treatment. Pulled over to the side of the rode, we were all wondering why did this man started following us the first place. He announces he is PG Police, and the reason why he pulled us over was because while running the plates of my friend’s truck, the tags came back as suspended for failed emission test. My friend Keith was like, "What the F*ck?, I didn't know they suspend tags for that. I was like, "Why was he running the tags in the first place?" After my friend showed proof to the officer that this issue had been resolved, he then calls him out of the car. "He is gonna give him a ticket" I was thinking. His girlfriend, noticeably nervous, thought he was getting locked up. While that wasn't the case. The officer did have some more questions for him.
It went a little like this:
Officer: Where are you headed? (why did he ask that)
Friend: To get something to eat.
Officer: What business you have in this neighborhood? (again, Why?)
Friend: We have a game at Largo HS
Officer: How old is the young lady, and why is three men riding around with 1 girl?
Friend: That is my girlfriend.
Now the officer walks to the car, and asks, "Are you one of these guys girlfriend?"
She responds yes, to which he asks which one? Why? she responds. "We are just going to get something to eat"The officer finally allows us to leave. Sitting in the truck for over 40 minutes, we realize we don't have enough time to get something to eat now. We go back to gym and lose the game by four points. Hungry and mad that not only did we lose the game, we also became a statistic to racial profiling. The officer had no reason to target us. Only because he saw 3 men riding in an SUV, with a young lady, de he decide to run the plates. And what law practice says it OK to get behind certain people to run their plates. We weren’t speeding, just minding our business, trying to feed our stomachs, when we got enough injustice to feed our mind. My question to the officer is this: Why didn’t you follow the white driver that you were behind before you seen us? Four black people, driving in an SUV, Trying to get something to eat, last I read is not a crime. Why?
Posted by
12:17 PM
Labels: Enough Is Enough
Oh Really.........................
Ya'll got 4 types of men.
Sandra Rose Blog has an interesting perspective about the "ladies".
Check it out over here: http://sandrarosenews.blogspot.com/2007/10/pimpstress-has-4-different-types-of-men.html
Posted by
11:06 AM
Labels: What's Going On